
Name Email Phone Room research interests
Phillip Ackerman phillip.ackerman@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-5611 JS Coon 227 Industrial Organizational
Meghan Babcock meghan.babcock@psych.gatech.edu 404-385-4626 Hybrid
Thackery I. Brown thackery.brown@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-1123 JS Coon 129 Cognitive Neuroscience
Alexander Burgoyne
Richard Catrambone richard.catrambone@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 125 Engineering Area Coordinator
Tansu Celikel celikel@gatech.edu (404) 894-8036 JS Coon 158
Lizanne DeStefano ldestefano6@gatech.edu 404-894-0777 Biltmore, Suite 300 (CEISMC office); Cherry-Emerson, Room 231 (CoS office) Educational Psychology; School Psychology; evaluation and sustainability of innovative STEM educational programs; multi-site, large-scale research centers and initiatives; and programs serving underrepresented groups in STEM.
Randall W. Engle randall.engle@gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 348
Mark Himmelstein mhimmelstein3@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 235
Mary Holder mary.holder@psych.gatech.edu 404-385-6941 Clough Commons 333
Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman tiffiny.hughes-troutman@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 124
Anna Ivanova aivanova7@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 127
Ruth Kanfer rkanfer@gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 226
Dianne Leader dianne.leader@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-3101 JS Coon B74
Audrey Leroux aleroux@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 236 Multilevel modeling, cross-classified and multiple membership data structures, longitudinal modeling, computerized adaptive testing, item response theory, simulations
Mengyao Li Mengyao.li@gatech.edu 678-394-7436 JS Coon, Room 228
Hsiao-Wen Liao liao@gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 123
Katharine McCann katharine.mccann@gatech.edu 404-894-2680 Clough Commons 365A
Scott Moffat scott.moffat@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-6772 JS Coon 133 Adult Development & Aging Area Coordinator
Apurva Ratan Murty ratan.murty@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 131
Woon Ju Park woonju@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 225
Dobromir (Doby) Rahnev rahnev@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 130 Cognition and Brain Science Area Coordinator
James S. Roberts james.roberts@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-6069 JS Coon 232 Quantitative Area Coordinator
Eric Schumacher eric.schumacher@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-6067 JS Coon 224
Audrey Sederberg audrey.sederberg@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 128
Daniel Spieler daniel.spieler@psych.gatech.edu 404-759-4547 JS Coon 132
Christopher Stanzione christopher.stanzione@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon G53A
William Stern wstern6@gatech.edu 404-385-4626 J.S. Coon Bldg, G53-B
Rick Thomas rick.thomas@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 233
Sashank Varma varma@gatech.edu JS Coon, 251
Paul Verhaeghen paul.verhaeghen@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 126
Bruce N. Walker bruce.walker@psych.gatech.edu (404) 894-8265 JS Coon 230
Mark Wheeler mark.wheeler@psych.gatech.edu 404-894-8036 JS Coon, Room 234
Christopher W. Wiese ChrisWiese@gatech.edu 404-894-2680 JS Coon 229 Industrial/ Organizational Area Coordinator
Robert Wilson rwilson337@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 231 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Computational Psychiatry, Computational Aging