
photo Name Email Room research interests
Phillip Ackerman phillip.ackerman@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 227 Human intelligence, abilities, testing, skill acquisition and retention, cognitive aging, linkages among cognitve, affective, and conative traits, educational and occupational selection
Meghan Babcock meghan.babcock@psych.gatech.edu Hybrid
Thackery I. Brown thackery.brown@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 129 Cognitive Neuroscience
Richard Catrambone richard.catrambone@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 125 Problem solving, educational psychology, instructional design, educational technology, human-computer interaction, analogical reasoning
Tansu Celikel celikel@gatech.edu JS Coon 158 Neural information processing, Cognitive AI, Computational Modeling, Network Models, Causal Inference, Sensorimotor Transformation, Neuroplasticity, Real-Time Close-loop Neuromodulation.
Lizanne DeStefano ldestefano6@gatech.edu Biltmore, Suite 300 (CEISMC office); Cherry-Emerson, Room 231 (CoS office) Educational Psychology; School Psychology; evaluation and sustainability of innovative STEM educational programs; multi-site, large-scale research centers and initiatives; and programs serving underrepresented groups in STEM.
Randall W. Engle randall.engle@gatech.edu JS Coon 348 Individual differences in attention control and other executive functions. Ranges from brain mechanisms in thee differences to use of measures of attention control to select pilots and air traffic controllers.
Mark Himmelstein mhimmelstein3@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 235 Decision making, quantitative methods, judgmental forecasting, advice taking, belief updating, Bayesian statistics, elicitation methods, psychological measurement, missing data
Mary Holder mary.holder@psych.gatech.edu Clough Commons 333
Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman tiffiny.hughes-troutman@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 124
Anna Ivanova aivanova7@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 127 Language and cognition; world knowledge; inner speech; fMRI; large language models
Ruth Kanfer rkanfer@gatech.edu JS Coon 226
Eunbee Kim eunbee.kim@gatech.edu J.S. Coon Bldg, G53-C
Dianne Leader dianne.leader@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon G53-D
Audrey Leroux aleroux@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 236 Multilevel modeling, cross-classified and multiple membership data structures, longitudinal modeling, computerized adaptive testing, item response theory, simulations
Mengyao Li Mengyao.li@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 228 human factors; human-AI-robot-teaming; trust in automation; machine learning
Hsiao-Wen Liao liao@gatech.edu JS Coon 123 autobiographical memory, episodic future thinking, adult development and aging, VR and NLP approaches to autobiographical memory
Katharine McCann katharine.mccann@gatech.edu Clough Commons 365A
Scott Moffat scott.moffat@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 133 Spatial cognition; navigation; cognitive aging; brain aging; neuroendocrinology
Apurva Ratan Murty ratan.murty@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 131 Visual intelligence, Perceptual Development, Neurodeveleopment disorders, fMRi, Computational models, Artificial Neural Networks, NeuroAI
Woon Ju Park woonju@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 225 plasticity, typical and atypical development, special populations, adaptation, sensory encoding, multimodal neuroimaging
Dobromir (Doby) Rahnev rahnev@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 130 perceptual decision making, confidence, artificial neural networks, cognitive neuroscience
James S. Roberts james.roberts@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 232 General psychometrics, item response theory, unfolding models, multidimensional scaling, applied statistics. Quantitative Psychology Program Coordinator.
Eric Schumacher eric.schumacher@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 224
Audrey Sederberg audrey.sederberg@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 128 theoretical neuroscience, artificial and biological neural network models, neural data analysis, neural criticality
Dingjing Shi dshi32@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 113 Bayesian statistics, longitudinal data, network models, smartphone and wearable-based ecological momentary assessment
Daniel Spieler daniel.spieler@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 132
Christopher Stanzione christopher.stanzione@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon G53A
William Stern wstern6@gatech.edu J.S. Coon Bldg, G53-B
Rick Thomas rick.thomas@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 233 Probability judgment, Forecasting, Hypothesis Generation, Counterfactual Reasoning, Memory Applications to Judgment and Decision Making
Sashank Varma varma@gatech.edu JS Coon, 251 computational models of cognition, mathematical thinking, language understanding, cognitive science, artificial intelligence, machine learning, education
Paul Verhaeghen paul.verhaeghen@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 126 Mindfulness, self-transcendence, flourishing
Bruce N. Walker bruce.walker@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon 230 Trust and adoption of technology; accessible and inclusive interfaces; human-AI-robot teaming; AI for good; sonification and multimodal interfaceT
Mark Wheeler mark.wheeler@psych.gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 234 Memory, perception, decision-making about memories and perceptions, sleep, cognition, fMRI, cognitive neuroscience
Christopher W. Wiese ChrisWiese@gatech.edu JS Coon 229 Industrial/ Organizational Area Coordinator
Robert Wilson rwilson337@gatech.edu JS Coon, Room 231 Computational Cognitive Neuroscience, Reinforcement Learning, Decision Making, Computational Psychiatry, Computational Aging