Cognition and Brain Science entails the measurement of cognition and related mechanisms, including (but not limited to) attention, sensation and perception, working memory, episodic memory, cognitive control, language, metacognition, spatial cognition, mindfulness and problem solving. Some faculty members' research interests include human cognitive neuroscience, measuring brain activity during cognition with electrophysiological or imaging techniques in persons with or without neurological dysfunction and cognitive aging. The program is closely connected with the Georgia State / Georgia Tech Center for Advanced Brain Imaging.
The School also has affiliations with members of the broader neuroscience community in Biomedical Engineering, Georgia State University, the University of Georgia, and brain imaging researchers at Emory University.
To learn more about specific research conducted in Cognitive Aging at Georgia Tech, visit the Laboratories page.
For more information about the graduate program in Cognition and Brain Science at Georgia Tech, visit the CBS Graduate Program.
There is a weekly brown bag series, where faculty and students make informal presentations. Nationally prominent researchers from outside Georgia Tech come to speak as part of the departmental colloquium series. For more information please see the events section on the Home page.