Daniel Spieler
Associate Professor of Psychology
Ph.D. Experimental Psychology Washington University
I received my degree from Washington University in St. Louis. After moving around a bit (Binghamton University and Stanford University)I arrived at Georgia Tech in 2001. I'm a member of the Cognition and Brain Science, Cognitive Aging, and Quantitative Psychology areas of the department.
Selected Publications
- Spieler, D. H., & Griffin, Z. M. (2006). The influence of age on the time course of word preparation in multiword utterances. Language and Cognitive Processes, 21, 291-321.
- Ratcliff, R., Spieler, D. H., & McKoon, G. (2004). Analyses of group differences in processing speed: Where are the models? Psychonomic Bulletin & Review, 11, 755-769.
- Balota, D. A,, Cortese, M., Sargent-Marshall, S., & Spieler, D. H.. (2004). Visual word recognition for single syllable words. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 133,283-306.
Contact Information
- daniel.spieler@psych.gatech.edu
- Personal Site
- http://www.psychology.gatech.edu/spieler/
- Office
- JS Coon 132
- Phone
- 404-759-4547
- Lab Url
- http://compcog.gatech.edu/