If you are interested in pursuing a graduate degree in the Georgia Institute of Technology’s School of Psychology, please review the School’s admission requirements.
The School admits students for graduate studies once a year in Fall and the graduate application deadline is December 1st of each year. We do not do accept students for graduate studies in Spring. The Ph.D. application must be submitted online through the office of Graduate Studies & Admissions. Please visit the Graduate Admissions "FAQ" section that will assist you in the application process at https://grad.gatech.edu/faq/knowledgebase.php .
There are a variety of sources of financial aid potentially available to (in-state, out-of-state, and international) graduate students.
For prospective student questions that are not addressed on the School of Psychology website or the Graduate admissions website, please contact our Academic Program Manager I, Shebbie D. Murray (shebbie.murray@psych.gatech.edu).