Lizanne DeStefano

Lizanne Destefano

Professor of Psychology, Executive Director of CEISMC, and Associate Dean-College of Sciences


Ph.D. in Educational Psychology/School Psychology (1986), University of Pittsburgh

Research Interests

Educational Psychology; School Psychology; evaluation and sustainability of innovative STEM educational programs; multi-site, large-scale research centers and initiatives; and programs serving underrepresented groups in STEM.

Selected Publications

  • Meyer, A., Knutson, C., Finkenstaedt-Quinn, S., Gruba, S., Meyer, B., Thompson, J., Maurer-Jones, M., Meierhofer, S., Tillman, A., DeStefano, L., Haynes, C. (2014). Activities for middle school students to sleuth a chemistry "whodunnit" and investigate the scientific method.  Journal of Chemical Education, 91, 410-413, DOI: 10.1021/ed4006562. 
  • Bishop, L.M., Tillman, A.S., Geiger, F.M., Hayes, C.L., Klaper, R.D., Murphy, C.J., Orr, G. Pedersen, J.A., DeStefano, L., & Hamers, R.J. (2014). Enhancing graduate student communication to general audiences through blogging. Journal of Chemical Education, DOI: 10.1021/ed500050d.
  • DeStefano, L., & Johnson, J. (2013). Increasing precision and participation for students at the lower end of the performance continuum on NAEP.  Washington DC, NCES. 
  • Kallemeyn, L., & DeStefano, L. (2010). Perceived purposes of the Head Start National Reporting System. NHSA Journal, 67-80. 
  • Meadan, H., Halle, M., Ostrosky, M., & DeStefano, L., (2008). Communicative behavior in the natural environment. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 23, 1, 37-48. 

Contact Information

Personal Site
Biltmore, Suite 300 (CEISMC office); Cherry-Emerson, Room 231 (CoS office)
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