Task, Team, and Technology Integration in High-Technology Surgery

A School of Psychology Work Science Center Distinguished Lecture by Ken Catchpole, Medical University of South Carolina

Ken Catchpole has spent the past 15 years studying safety and human performance in acute clinical care in general and in surgery in particular.

Using examples from cardiac, orthopaedic, neurological, spinal, trauma, and urological surgery, he will describe the results of observational studies that have helped to understand the following:

  • how surgical performance arises from the interaction between what people do, how they work together, and what they do it with 
  • how the introduction of new technologies can have far profound, and not always beneficial, effects
  • what these findings might mean for the future of healthcare delivery and workforce management.

Please RSVP at https://wsckencatchpole.eventbrite.com/

Reception follows the lecture.

About the Speaker
Ken Catchpole is a human factors engineer who has spent the past 15 years studying and improving safety and performance in acute care. His research has been primarily conducted in the UK and USA, exploring trauma, cardiac, orthopaedic, vascular, gastro-intestinal, spinal, and urological surgery.

He has also contributed to accident analysis and quality improvement in the Netherlands, Norway, Australia, New Zealand, Dubai, Qatar, and, Brazil. Current projects include human-systems integration in robotic-assisted surgery; communication and coordination in trauma and transplant; and work systems analysis of sterile processing. 

Through popular media, over 70 peer-reviewed publications, and at least 150 invited lectures, he has engaged thousands of people in the improvement of healthcare from a human-centered perspective. 

About the Work Science Center Distinguished Lecture Series
This series seeks to foster thought-provoking discussion and ideas on the future of work and worklife by sharing evidence-based knowledge on topics relevant to improving human workforce development, employee management, and human well-being in the 21st century.

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Wednesday, October 10, 2018 - 4:00pm to 5:30pm



For More Information Contact

Dr. Ruth Kanfer, rkanfer@gatech.edu
or visit WorkScienceCenter.gatech.edu