Teaching and Research Assistantships
These assistantships require a student to assist faculty in their teaching or research. The School automatically considers for appointment to both teaching and research assistantships all students whose applications are approved for admission. For incoming students, these assistantships are awarded on the basis of academic promise. Graduate students who hold an assistantship (requiring at least one-third-time service) receive a tuition waiver. Graduate Teaching and Research Assistantship positions are valued at $21,750 for a 9 month appointment ($2,416.66/month). Tuition waivers are valued at $7,032 and $14,570 for in-state and out-of-state students, respectively. All decisions concerning financial support are made by the Graduate Admissions Committee upon recommendation by the faculty and the School's director. Additional information about graduate assistantships, fellowships, loans, and off-campus employment options is available on the Office of Graduate Studies site. Approximately 81% of graduate students in the School of Psychology are funded by Graduate Teaching Assistantships with the remainder funded by Graduate Research Assistantships.
GAANN Fellowship Program in Psychology
Graduate Assistance in Areas of National Need (GAANN) fellowships are available to Ph.D. students in the School of Psychology at Georgia Tech who are completing a curriculum, and have research interests, in the field of psychology. Recipients must be U.S. citizens or permanent residents with demonstrated financial need. Fellows receive a stipend up to $34,000 via a combination of fellowship and assistantship funds.
The goal of this GAANN fellowship program is to make a significant contribution to satisfying the nation's needs for Ph.D.s who are well trained to embark on research and teaching careers in psychology. As part of their degree program, GAANN fellows will: (i) complete psychology courses to satisfy degree course requirements, (ii) participate in GAANN program activities, (iii) complete a supervised teaching experience, and (iv) conduct thesis research in psychology. Fellows who aspire to academic careers will be required to complete the Tech to Teaching Faculty Preparation courses.
Note: The fellowship consists of an award of financial aid. Acceptance of subsidized loans and other fellowships will reduce the financial need and possibly decrease eligibility for GAANN support. Students must be appointed as a teaching or research assistant in order to receive a GAANN fellowship.
Website/Application: https://cos.gatech.edu/gaann-psychology
Other Fellowships
The School may also apply for Institute-wide fellowships for students with excellent academic credentials. Current and prospective graduate students are also encouraged to apply for fellowships from organizations such as the National Science Foundation. In addition, as a part of its NIH training program, the Cognitive Aging Program provides several pre-doctoral fellowships for graduate students in aging.
Institutional and organizational scholarships provide funds on the basis of academic promise. Students are encouraged to apply for scholarships as soon as they have been accepted into the program. Georgia Tech's Graduate Financial Aid Options
Outside Resources for Financial Aid
Psychology.org is committed to helping students with FAFSA, program specific scholoarships and more!
For International students
- International Education Finance Corporation
- AAUW Scholarships
- EduPASS guide to studying in the US
- MacArthur Foundation
In addition to graduate assistantships and fellowships, internships at corporate and research settings both within and outside Georgia Tech are available for advanced students. Students work for one term, most often during the summer to gain valuable work experience and to practice and apply what they have learned in their program. Georgia Institute of Technology Internship Program
Travel funds
The Graduate Student Government Association, College of Sciences, and School of Psychology also provide funds for graduate students to present their research at conferences. Please see the SGA Conference Funds and CoS Travel Supplement Form links below. For additional information regarding the application process, please speak with the School of Psychology's finance office.
- PhD students only - CoS Travel Supplement Form (PDF 14kB)
Graduate Student Outcomes
Our diverse faculty research interests and diverse graduate student body leads to a variety of student outcomes. Many of our graduates go on to successful academic careers in research university settings, while others enjoy success in the private sector, in teaching institutions and research institutes. As a faculty, we know that different students have different needs and goals and we work with each individual student to realize those individualized goals. More complete data on the specific outcomes/job placements of our graduate students will be forthcoming. For more information on demographics, admissions, and time-to-degree for doctoral students in our program, go to Doctoral Student Statistics. Enter the search criteria for Psychology.