Below is a list of graduate courses - Please note: some courses are offered on a rotational basis.
To view all School of Psychology courses, please access the Georgia Tech registration system Oscar and view the Course Catalog for a description of courses, their pre-requisites and credit hours (select the term and then the subject) or Schedule of Classes for specific times the course is taking place. To view key courses for each of the program areas, please refer to the Graduate Student Handbook
PSYC 6011 – Cognitive Psychology
Survey course on human cognition including pattern recognition, attention, memory, categorization, problem solving, consciousness, decision making, intention, and the relation between mind and brain.
PSYC 6012 – Social Psychology
Fundamental theory and research in social behavior including social perception/cognition, attitude formation and change, social influences, and group processes.
PSYC 6013 – Biopsychology
Neurophysiological, endocrinological, and biochemical bases of sensory and motor functioning, motivation, learning, memory, and behavior dysfunction.
PSYC 6014 – Sensation and Perception
This course examines how sensations and perceptions of the outside world are processed by humans, including physiological, psychophysical, ecological, and computational perspectives.
PSYC 6015 – Developmental Psychology
Overview of concepts, assumptions, methods, theories, and research in human development across the life span including cognitive, emotional, and social behavior.
PSYC 6016 – Experimental Analysis of Behavior
Conceptual, methodological, and theoretical issues in the experimental analysis of behavior with special emphasis on classical and operant conditioning as foundations for complex behavior.
PSYC 6017 – Human Abilities
Introduction to differential psychology providing an overview of differences in humans. Topics such as abilities, temperament, and group differences (e.g., gender) are addressed.
PSYC 6018 – Principles of Research Design
Introduction to basic principles and practices of empirical research in psychology. Covers both experimental and correlational methods and designs.
PSYC 6019 – Statistical Analysis of Psychological Data I
Introductory treatment of descriptive and inferential statistics as applied to psychological research.
PSYC 6020 – Statistical Analysis of Psychological Data II
Introductory treatment of inferential statistics, especially the general linear model, as applied to psychological research.
PSYC 6021 – Personality Theories
Introduction to major approaches to personality theory.
PSYC 6022 – Psychological Statistics for HCI
Introduction to statistical methods as applied to psychological data in the behavioral sciences. Credit not allowed for both PSYC 6022 and PSYC 2020.
PSYC 6023 – Psychological Research Methods for HCI
Introduction to psychological research methods within the HCI domain. Credit not allowed for both PSYC 6023 and PSYC 2020.
PSYC 6031 – Engineering Psychology: Analysis Techniques
This course covers the basic analysis techniques used to investigate human-machine systems and human performance.
PSYC 6040 – Topics in Cognition & Brain Science
This course presents current research topics in cognition and brain science.
PSYC 6041 – Topics in Cognitive Aging
This course presents current research topics in cognitive aging.
PSYC 6042 – Neuroimaging
This course details the potential and limits of fMRI and critically evaluates the inferences that can be drawn from fMRI studies.
PSYC 6043 – Engineering Psychology Research Seminar
This course presents current research topics in engineering psychology.
PSYC 6060 – Psychology of Aging
A survey covering psychological aspects of aging, mind, and behavior (perception, cognition, emotion, mental health) and topics relevant to adulthood (e.g. caregiving and retirement).
PSYC 6090 – Cognitive Neuroscience
Examines the foundations of Cognitive Neuroscience, including the biological mechanisms underlying cognition, the dominant theories, and the experimental techniques.
PSYC 6270 – Psychological Testing
Fundamentals of psychological testing. Topics include test construction and application issues.
PSYC 6750 – Human-Computer Interaction
Describes the characteristics of interaction between humans and computers and demonstrates techniques for the evaluation of user-centered systems. Crosslisted with CS 6750.
PSYC 6755 – Human-Computer Interaction Foundations
Describes the theory and practice of designing effective and efficient interactions between people and technology.
PSYC 6795 – Introduction to Cognitive Science
Multidisciplinary perspectives on cognitive science. Interdisciplinary approaches to issues in cognition, including memory, language, problem solving, learning, perception, and action. Crosslisted with CS and ISYE 6795.
PSYC 7020 – Survey of Cognitive Aging
Introduction to theory and research on adult cognitive development, including intelligence, attention, memory, and problem solving.
PSYC 7101 – Engineering Psychology I: Methods
Basic methods used to study human-machine systems including both system analysis and human performance evaluation techniques. These methods will be applied to specific systems.
PSYC 7102 – Engineering Psychology II
Basic principles of human factors for the design, evaluation, and use of displays, controls, and workspace layouts including new technologies and associated human factors problems.
PSYC 7103 – Engineering Psychology III: Environmental Stressors and Human Performance
Environmental stressors and their influences on human performance, physiological function, and emotional responses including work/rest cycles, jetlag, noise, vibration, glare, weightlessness, etc.
PSYC 7104 – Psychomotor and Cognitive Skill Learning and Performance
Human capabilities and limitations for learning and performing psychomotor and cognitive skills are studied.
PSYC 7201 – Industrial/Organizational Psychology
This course introduces an overview of issues relevant to behavior in the workplace and psychology applied in industrial and organizational settings.
PSYC 7202 – Employee Selection
The course provides a conceptual framework for personnel selection guided by scientific principles, research, and theory as well as by professional, legal, and technical guidelines.
PSYC 7203 – Motivation & Job Attitudes
Examines theory and pragmatics in description, prediction, and measurement of work-related behavior and associated evaluations. Includes theoretical and methodological problems in field and laboratory contexts.
PSYC 7204 – Training and Development
This course will focus on theory, principles, techniques, and practices relevant to training and developing human resources. Research and professional literature will be examined.
PSYC 7301 – Introduction to Multivariate Statistics
Foundations for multivariate analysis including properties of linear composite variables, multiple regression, multiple and partial correlation, MANOVA, factor analysis, multiple discriminant analysis, canonical correlation, etc.
PSYC 7302 – Equation Modeling
Methods of causal modeling to study causal relations including issues of causality, establishing causality, fundamentals of linear structural equation modeling with latent variables, fitting models.
PSYC 7303 – Psychometric Theory
Preparation of students in statistical theory and techniques relevant to becoming professionally involved in construction, analysis, and evaluation of psychology and personnel tests.
PSYC 7700 – Professional Problems
Discussion of issues faced by professional psychologists in the areas of teaching, research, and professional practice. Ethical issues in all of these areas are emphasized.
PSYC 7701 – Teaching Practicum
Supervised college teaching including techniques, course and curriculum design, evaluation. Students will prepare and present lectures with direct observations and video taping for discussion.
PSYC 7790 – Cognitive Modeling
A hands-on course covering a range of cognitive modeling methodologies. It explores the analysis, development, construction, and evaluation of models of cognitive processing. Crosslisted with CS and ISYE 7790.
PSYC 8000 – Semi-Experimental Psychology
Critical examination of current problems in a selected area of general experimental psychology. Areas to be discussed may vary each time course is offered.
PSYC 8060 – Seminar in Quantitative Psychology
Presentation and discussion of quantitative approaches to psychology. Topics will vary, but might include neural networks, measurement theory, behavioral ecology, modeling, system dynamics, etc.
PSYC 8080 – Seminar in Cognition and Brain Science
Critical examination of current problems in selected areas of cognition and brain sciences. Areas to be discussed may vary each time.