For Grad Students and Postdocs: GT 2021 Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC)

The Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC) is Georgia Tech’s professional development event for graduate students. CRIDC is held annually at the beginning of the spring semester and is designed to connect graduate students of all degree types with professionals in research, industry, consulting and government, nonprofits, management, and entrepreneurship. The 2021 event will be held Feb. 8-12 as a completely virtual event. It is open to all Georgia Tech master’s and Ph.D. students, as well as postdoctoral scholars. ​

More information

Article by Emma Ryan

On Feb. 8-12, Georgia Tech will host the 2021 Career, Research, and Innovation Development Conference (CRIDC), an annual event that offers graduate students the opportunity to network, attend panels, and participate in a career fair and poster competition. 

“CRIDC has become a Georgia Tech tradition,” said Ogün Kargin, a second-year graduate student in Aerospace Engineering and vice president of Professional Development for the Graduate Student Government Association. “For the past 11 years, SGA has hosted this event to provide opportunities for graduate students to meet our industry partners, showcase their research, and hone their professional development skills. This year, our team is very excited to offer this event in a fully virtual format!”

Here are some highlights of the 2021 event:

  • Career-related Panels. Sessions include PhD2Consulting, Entrepreneurship, and Done With Grad SchoolWhat’s Next?, as well as a series on diversity, inclusion, and ethics. The panels will be streamed online and preregistration is not required to attend.
  • Poster Competition. This competition gives students the opportunity to present their research posters to a nontechnical audience. Winners receive a $1,500 professional development award, and the competition is open to all graduate students. The deadline to submit poster abstracts is Jan. 19.
  • Innovation Competition. Sponsored by Tech’s VentureLab, the Innovation Competition awards cash prizes to the graduate students who make the best case for how their work might get to market and meet customer needs. The application for the competition is due Jan. 21.
  • MS and PhD CRIDC Virtual Career Fair. To be held on Feb. 9, the career fair will offer students the opportunity to connect with scientists interested in their work. Registration for the fair opens Jan. 26. 

Learn more about the event on the CRIDC website, and register to attend and have your resume added to the resume book here

Event Details


  • Date: 
    Monday, February 8, 2021 - 12:00am



For More Information Contact

   Event Contact Name: Clarence Anthony JR
          Event Contact Email:
          Event Contact Phone: 404-894-1351