Prior to the trip
- Complete a Spend Authorization Request (SAR) inside Georgia Tech's Travel and Expense System, which is available through Techworks ( On the SAR, you just need to estimate what your expenses will be (flight, lodging, transportation, meals, etc.), and then submit the form in the system. If this is your first time submitting a SAR, please check with our Financial Administrator, Kaysha Corniffe ( to ensure that your approval levels are set up in the system. The SAR must be electronically approved by your supervisor and the School of Psychology’s finance office prior to the trip.
- Existing employees can direct bill flights to Georgia Tech (as long as it is approved by your supervisor and the flight is for a valid business purpose) so that you don't have to come out of pocket for the flight. The direct billing process may be found at the link below (note: you will need to complete the SAR first because you'll have to provide the campus reference number the system issues, along with the project# that you will be charging the expenses to when you book the flight
After your trip
- Complete a Travel Expense Statement (TES) inside the Travel and Expense System in Techworks for reimbursement (there is an option to copy an existing TAR and then you can just modify according to what your actual expenses were). Please note that original receipts are required for most reimbursement items, with the exception of meals. At the end of the expense statement, please print the cover page and scan it directly into the travel system along with your receipts. If you need assistance with scanning the documents, please see Kaysha Corniffe (, Room 155). Please make sure you do both parts – submit the TES in the system and scan the cover sheet and receipts into the system, otherwise your TES will sit in limbo and delay the reimbursement (and we want to make sure you get paid).
- Below is information on taking the online tutorial for GT's Travel and Expense System that walks you through completing the SAR, TES, etc. Our Financial Administrator, Kaysha Corniffe ( can also assist you with any additional questions you have about the system.
- Go to
- Choose "Georgia Tech's learning Management System"
- Log in with your GT username and password (note: the first time you login, the system may prompt you to set up a profile. If the system asks for you to enter an account number, you can just enter all 9's since the tutorial is free)
- Search for "Travel" in keywords and choose "Travel and Expense User Overview"