Frequently Asked Questions

1. Is the review single- or double-blind and why?

This year, we will be using a double-blind review process. The PIG committee chairs will have access to the names of the applicants and reviewers, but neither the reviewers nor applicants will be given the names of each other. Reviewers will be assigned based on their expertise with the applicant’s area but will not have access to the advisor approval form. Although reviewers may be able to identify the labs the applicants work in based on the research area, we have chosen to keep both the reviewers and applicants anonymous to encourage an objective evaluation of the proposal and because any questions about an award decision should be directed at the PIG Committee (and specifically the PIG directors) who ultimately make the award decisions.


2. What is being done to mitigate bias in the review process?

Award decisions are made based on input from multiple people throughout the various stages of the review process and all decisions must be justified. More specifically, at least two graduate students will review each blind proposal using the PIG score sheet (see Appendix D). The PIG committee and faculty members will ensure the reviews from graduate students are reasonable and sound. We hope the double-blind process we are using this year will add another layer to minimize bias.


3. How are reviewers chosen?

Psychology graduate student volunteers will be solicited over the Summer to review the PIG applications. Reviewers will be assigned to applications based on their expertise and its relevance to the proposed project. Because of the department’s small size and even smaller areas, reviewers may not always come from an applicant’s area.


4. Projects that are already funded cannot be supported by a PIG—can you elaborate?

PIG money is a limited resource that should support projects that have the potential to advance knowledge and impact our society but that may not be undertaken without PIG support. Therefore, PIG applications requesting money to enhance a project that is already funded—for example, by increasing the sample size, buying equipment to alleviate a bottleneck, or to pay for training for a new project member—will not be considered.


5. How can I become part of the PIG committee?

Join the Psychology Graduate Student Council (PGSC) next year!


6. I have questions/comments/feedback about the PIG, who do I contact?
