Meet ScienceMatters Winner Lucrezia De Pascalis

Fourth-year chemistry Ph.D. student wins quiz 10 of ScienceMatters Season 3

December 2, 2019

Lucrezia De Pascalis is a fourth-year chemistry Ph.D. student from Italy. After earning a bachelors degree from North Carolina Wesleyan College, she chose to attend Georgia Tech. That's because she likes the diversity of the campus, the multidisciplinary research, and the collaborative environment. 

Lucrezia works in the lab of M.G. Finn, professor and chair of the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. She synthesizes oxanorbornadienes, a class of cleavable linkers, to understand their rate of fragmentation, which is highly tunable. This property makes this compounds suitable for controlled release of drug molecules, an important function in the development of better therapeutic agents.

During her free time, Lucrezia participates in Women in Chemistry events. She also enjoys reading novels and cooking.

Lucrezia found out about ScienceMatters podcast through Finn, who was featured in Season 1, Episode 3, "Toward A Vaccine for an Ancient Scourge." In that episode, Finn discussed his work to find a potential vaccine for the parasite that causes leishmaniasis, a scary flesh-rotting disease.

Lucrezia usually listens to ScienceMatters while eating lunch.

The quiz question for episode 10 was: What is the name of the mentorship program Susan Lozier established?

The correct answer is Empower.