2021 School of Psychology Spring Colloquium Series: Stephan Lewandowsky

“Resisting the Knowledge Dementors: The Truth about 'Post-Truth'" is the title of the Feb. edition of the School of Psychology's Spring Colloquium Series. Stephan Lewandowsky, professor and chair in cognitive psychology at the University of Bristol, will lead the discussion.

Attend this virtual event via Blue Jeans

About Stephan Lewandowsky

From Lewandowky's University of Bristol website:

I am a cognitive scientist with an interest in computational modeling. That is, I try to understand how the mind works by writing computer simulations of our memory and decision-making processes. Recently, I have become interested in how people update their memories if things they believe turn out to be false. This has led me to examine the persistence of misinformation in society, and how myths and misinformation can spread. I have become particularly interested in the variables that determine whether or not people accept scientific evidence, for example surrounding vaccinations or climate science.






Event Details


  • Date: 
    Thursday, February 4, 2021 - 11:00am to 12:00pm



For More Information Contact

Emily C. Hobdy
Faculty Support Coordinator
School of Psychology 