Elizabeth Davis
Selected Publications
- Davis, E.T., Hailston, K., Kraemer, E., Hamilton-Taylor, A., Rhodes, P., Papadimitrious, C., & Garcia, strong.A. (2006). Perceptual characteristics of computerized program visualizations can differentially affect detection and localization performance. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics 50th Annual Meeting.
- Davis, E.T., Shikano, T., Main, K., Hailston, K., Michel, R.K., & Sathian, K. (2006). Mirror-image symmetry and search asymmetry: A comparison of their effects on visual search and a possible unifying explanation. Vision Research, 46, 1263-1281.
- Davis, E.T. (2006). Invited Book Review: Neurobiology of Attention. Physiology & Behavior, 87, 447-448.
- Davis, E.T. & Palmer, J. (2004). Visual search & attention: an overview. Spatial Vision, 17, 249-255.
- Davis, E.T., Shikano, T., Peterson, S.A., & Michel, R.K. (2003). Divided attention and visual search for simple versus complex features. Vision Research, 43, 2213-2232.
Contact Information
- etdavis6@earthlink.net
- Phone
- 404-894-7558