Sciences in the Spotlight: Students Honor Outstanding Faculty

May 28, 2024

The Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) and the Office of Academic Effectiveness (OAE) are thrilled to announce the Spring 2024 Course Instructor Opinion Survey (CIOS) Honor Roll. Faculty members at Georgia Tech who made the Spring 2024 Honor Roll have been overwhelmingly praised for their excellent teaching methods and dedication to student success.

The faculty recognized this semester represent all six colleges and the Language Institute. Each Honor Roll recipient receives a certificate from the Center for Teaching and Learning recognizing their accomplishment as well as an invitation to the next Celebrating Teaching Day held in March 2025.

See the full list of Spring 2024 CIOS Honor Roll recipients from across the Institute.


College of Sciences – Small Classes

  • Austin Christian, recognized for MATH 4803: Special Topics: Low-Dimensional Geometry

  • Christina Athanasouli, recognized for MATH 1553: Intro to Linear Algebra

  • Christina Ragan, recognized for NEUR 4001: Neuro Research Project

  • Christopher Jankowski, recognized for MATH 1553: Intro to Linear Algebra

  • Colin Harrison, recognized for BIOS 1108L: Organismal Biology Lab

  • Corrine Yap, recognized for MATH 4032: Combinatorial Analysis

  • David Hu, recognized for BIOS 4590: Research Project Lab

  • Eric Schumacher, recognized for NEUR 4001: Neuro Research Project

  • Gregory Sawicki, recognized for APPH 6232: Locomotion Neuromechanic

  • James Roberts, recognized for PSYC 6020: Statistical Analysis II

  • James Wray, recognized for EAS 6370: Physics of Planets

  • Jennifer Hom, recognized for MATH 4108: Abstract Algebra II

  • Lewis Wheaton, recognized for APPH 6400: Human Neuroanatomy

  • Mary Holder, recognized for NEUR 4400: Neuroendocrinology

  • Ratan Murty, recognized for PSYC 3803: Special Topics

  • Robert Richards, recognized for BIOS 4460: Comm Biologicl Research

  • Samantha Wilson, recognized for EAS 4803: Special Topics: EAS & Policy

  • Zach Walsh, recognized for MATH 2603: Intro Discrete Math


College of Sciences – Large Classes

  • Adam Decker, recognized for BIOS 3753: Human Anatomy

  • Christopher Wiese, recognized for PSYC 2220: Industrial/Organiz Psy

  • Dimitrios Psaltis, recognized for PHYS 3201: Classical Mechanics I

  • Eric Shen, recognized for CHEM 1315: Survey of Org Chm for Engr

  • Gonensin Bozdag, recognized for BIOS 3600: Evolutionary Biology

  • Jesse McDaniel, recognized for CHEM 3411: Physical Chemistry I

  • Joseph Sadighi, recognized for CHEM 1211K: Chemical Principles I

  • Katharine McCann, recognized for NEUR 2001: Neuro-Principles

  • Mark Himmelstein, recognized for PSYC 2020: Psychological Statistics

  • Matthew Nusnbaum, recognized for NEUR 2001: Neuro-Principles

  • Mioy Huynh, recognized for CHEM 1211K: Chemical Principles I

  • Mirjana Brockett, recognized for BIOS 4651: Bioethics

  • Pamela Pollet, recognized for CHEM 2311: Organic Chemistry I

  • Scott Moffat, recognized for PSYC 4740: Neuroethics

  • Stephanie Stern, recognized for PSYC 2103: Human Development

  • Tiffiny Hughes-Troutman, recognized for PSYC 3009: Health Psychology

  • Timothy Cope, recognized for NEUR 3002: Systems Neuroscience

  • William Ratcliff, recognized for BIOS 4550: Origin of Complex Life

  • William Stern, recognized for PSYC 2210: Social Psychology

For More Information Contact

By Bethany Harris

Center for Teaching and Learning