Honoring outstanding contributions by students, staff and faculty

January 6, 2025

Latajah Lambey – Student of the Year

LaTajah has worked tirelessly as an SOP student to foster collaboration among her peers and the GaTech community. She has been a great asset in the School of Psychology.

Teresa Fosque - Staff of the Year

Teresa has a lot on her plate, and yet she is always there to patiently assist with any new arising issue. She is reliable and dependable, and I feel supported by the SoP because of her presence

Chris Wiese - Faculty of the Year

Chris has taken up the mantle as the savior of the IO program in these past couple of years. While continuing to publish and do well with his academic work, he has taken additional stressors off of other professors in our department and accepted considerable time-consuming service positions at the same time. He is truly not just a talented scholar, but a dedicated serviceman to whom our department owes to a great extent.