Sciences Faculty Awarded Georgia Tech Honors

Click here for the full list of Georgia Tech faculty and staff awardees.

College of Sciences faculty and teaching assistants were recently recognized for their educational and research excellence during the 2023 Georgia Tech Faculty and Staff Honors Luncheon, held April 21 at the Exhibition Hall.

The awards included Institute-wide honors and those from Georgia Tech’s Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL). Honorees were recognized for their service, activities, and accomplishments over the past academic year. 

Please join us in congratulating College of Sciences faculty and teaching assistants who received 2023 Georgia Tech and CTL awards:

Georgia Tech Chapter, Sigma Xi Awards

Best Faculty Paper 

Itamar Kimchi, Assistant Professor, Physics

Institute Research Awards

Outstanding Achievement in Research Innovation

Younan Xia, Brock Family Chair, Chemistry and Biochemistry 


Outstanding Doctoral Thesis Advisor

John R. Reynolds, Professor, Chemistry and Biochemistry


Outstanding Achievement in Research Program Development

Spaceflight Project Group

Christopher Carr, Assistant Professor, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences/Aerospace Engineering

ANAK Awards

Outstanding Faculty

Timothy Cope, Professor, Biological Sciences

Center for Teaching and Learning (CTL) Awards

Undergraduate Educator

Adam J. Decker, Senior Academic Professional, Biological Sciences


Geoffrey G. Eichholz Faculty Teaching

Mary E. Peek. Principal Academic Professional, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Emily Weigel, Senior Academic Professional, Biological Sciences


Center for Teaching and Learning/BP Junior Faculty Teaching

Anton Bernshteyn, Assistant Professor, Mathematics

Gongjie Li, Assistant Professor, Physics


Innovation in Co-Curricular Education 

Pamela Pollet, Senior Research Scientist, Chemistry and Biochemistry


International Initiatives Award

Steven A. Denning Faculty Award for Global Engagement

Anton Leykin, Professor, Mathematics


Faculty Honors Committee Awards

Class of 1940 W. Howard Ector Outstanding Teacher

Dan Margalit, Professor, Mathematics


Center for Teaching and Learning Teaching Assistant (TA) and Future Faculty Awards

(These awards were presented April 19 in the Georgia Tech Exhibition Hall.) 


Undergraduate Teaching Assistant of the Year

Charlotte Carl, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences 

Bret Hendricks, Mathematics

Maeve Janecka, Biological Sciences

Benjamin Peer, Chemistry and Biochemistry 


Graduate Teaching Assistant of the Year

Santana Afton, Mathematics

Alex Costa, Biological Sciences

Erin Griffith, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Tiffany Nguyen, Psychology

Markace Rainey, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Leo Wood, Physics


Graduate Student Instructor 

James Anderson, Mathematics

Terri Dunbar, Psychology

Cassandra Shriver, Biological Sciences and Vertically Integrated Projects (VIP)


Online TA of the Year

Mollene Denton, Mathematics

Center for the Integration of Research, Teaching, and Learning (CIRTL) TA Awards

CIRTL Associate Certificates

Stephanie Bilodeau, Biological Sciences

Katherine Booth, Mathematics

Abigail Diering, Chemistry and Biochemistry 

Luke Foster, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Eliza Gazda, Physics

Chad Gomard-Henshaw, Physics

Sarah Gonzalez, Physics

Erin Griffith, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences

Abigail Hagwood, Chemistry

Kamisha Hill, Chemistry

Mary Kho, Biological Sciences

Na Liu, Physics

Ravyn Malatesta, Chemistry

Sarah Roney, Biological Sciences

Afaf Saaidi, Mathematics

Steven Tarr, Physics

Alisha Vera, Physics

Mengshi Zhang, Biological Sciences


CIRTL Associate and Tech to Teaching Certificates

Rebecca Guth-Metzler, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Taehun Kim, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Katie Kuo, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Kavita Matange, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Emily Saccuzzo, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Breanna Shi, Biological Sciences


Tech to Teaching Certificates

Austin Christian, Mathematics

Sierra Knavel, Mathematics

Andrew Kristof, Chemistry and Biochemistry

Athulya Ram Sreedharan Nair, Mathematics

Danielle Skinner, Physics

Yan Zhang, Chemistry and Biochemistry


Graduate Teaching Fellows

Maugan Lloyd, Psychology

Jelly Vanderwoude, Biological Sciences


International TA Liaisons

Chang Ding, Earth and Atmospheric Sciences


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For More Information Contact

Writer: Renay San Miguel
Communications Officer II/Science Writer
College of Sciences

Editor: Jess Hunt-Ralston