Graduate Student Preliminary Examination Forms

Georgia Tech's School of Psychology requires graduate students to utilize DocuSign for both preliminary examination forms. The first form allows students to obtain approval of the exam topic, and the second form certifies passage of the exam. 

DocuSign Tips

  • Go to to understand how DocuSign works and to login. Be sure to read steps 1-5 before you begin
  • You can check out the step-by-step guide on How to Submit a DocuSign Form  
    • Forms must be initiated by a student, not staff or faculty
  • A form must be completed in full for the School Chair or Graduate Coordinator to sign off
  • You must complete BOTH forms related to your preliminary exam to be entered into Doctoral Candidacy

Preliminary Examination Forms:


1. Approval for Preliminary Examination Topic >> click here



2. Certificate of Completion for Preliminary Examination >> click here