Making Direct Bill Reservations
- Complete E-profile via Travel Inc website:
*Please see here for a step by step on completing a Travelinc profile
**Travelinc will email you a username and password for logging in within approx. 24 hours) - Submit a recurring direct billing of airfare form to accounting office
- Complete and submit a Travel Authority Request Form in Georgia Tech's Travel and Expense System inside Techworks. The TAR will generate a campus reference number that you will need to make your online reservations (the system will also ask you for the project number when you book)
- Go online to Travelinc's website and book your flight -
- Please note the air transportation restrictions below:
Georgia Tech has contract rates with Delta Airlines. Discounts range from 2-30% depending upon the destination. Discounts are only available through Travel Incorporated (by agent or web booking). Employees should always seek the most economical rate that meets their scheduling needs. In most cases, non-refundable coach fares purchased 21 days in advance provide the best price.
Reimbursement is limited to coach fare unless: (1) space is not otherwise available or (2) a licensed medical practitioner certifies that specific arrangements are required. Documentation must be maintained in departmental files.
The passenger receipt must be presented with the Expense Statement in all instances. Travel agency transaction fees and baggage fees are fully reimbursable in connection with Institute air travel. Tickets may be purchased through the contracted travel agency, Travel Incorporated. Tickets may be direct-billed to Georgia Tech or reimbursed after the trip along with other trip-related expenses.