The School of Psychology of the Georgia Institute of Technology offers programs of study leading to the degrees of Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy, with five areas of specialization: Cognition and Brain Science, Adult Development and Aging, Engineering Psychology, Industrial/Organizational Psychology, and Quantitative Psychology. All five programs of study provide intensive exposure to the theoretical and methodological foundations of psychology with strong emphasis on quantitative skills. Each student is expected to show individual initiative in both research activities and academic study, supported by close faculty-student contact.
The School of Psychology also participates in an interdisciplinary PhD degree program in Quantitative BioSciences and an interdisciplinary MS degree program in Human Computer Interaction (*please note that we do not offer a terminal Master’s degree in Psychology).
Our graduates have positions in academia, industry, the military, and government. In a survey of our 2007-2011 graduates, we found that 45% took a faculty position, 14% took a research position, 7% were working in a postdoctoral position, and 32% worked in industry. Our current student-to-faculty ratio is 4-to-1, and we strongly believe in the apprenticeship model of mentoring. In an anonymous survey conducted in 2012, our alumns state that they appreciate 'the opportunity for interdisciplinary studies and research', consider their time here 'extremely valuable', that Tech 'prepared [them] extremely well for [their] career' and that 'the quality of education [they] received was due to the dedication of the very accomplished faculty'. We, of course, agree.
If you are considering a graduate education in the School of Psychology, please visit our Prospective Students page, where you will find the graduate application as well as information regarding admission requirements and financial aid, and a list of Frequently Asked Questions.
Please explore the Graduate Student Handbook to get detailed information regarding the graduate program, as well information specific to each of the five program areas, such as degree requirements, minor requirements, and information about the doctoral preliminary examinations. Please visit the Courses page to view information about course requirements and the projected course schedule.