Graduate Students (L-R: Thom Gable, Brianna Tomlinson, and Vincent Martin) discuss audio files for an upcoming research project
Research at the Georgia Tech School of Psychology features five program areas:
- Cognition and Brain Science: The study of the mental processes of thought and behavior, such as memory, language, and visual processing. The neural mechanisms underlying these processes are also studied.
- Neuroscience: The study of how the nervous system develops, its structure, and what it does.
- Cognitive Aging: The study of age related changes in mental processing.
- Engineering Psychology: The study of human capabilities and limitations, as they apply to system function and design.
- Industrial/Organizational Psychology: The study of psychological factors associated with workplace behavior.
- Quantitative Psychology: The study of psychological theory in relation to statistical and mathematic methods of analysis.
Several faculty members have joint appointments in these programs. Many projects bridge the gap between basic and applied research; however, the school does not have a clinical psychology program.